
In India, It is very necessary to make normal cities as smart cities near future. So, Develop a smart city is one of the most recent fields in today’s digital era to researches. Machine to Machine (M2M ) communication is the latest innovative-fangled type of communiqué that enables full automation with the help of integrated applications to make a normal city to a smart city. Many devices are connected in a smart city to monitoring many tasks and it is a very challenging task to integrate and manage these connected devices. Interconnection of several devices and machines using the internet to form an M2M Area Network (M2MAN) provides controlling and monitoring smart applications like smart-metering, weather, environment, home, air quality, water supply with quality management, power supply with bill monitoring, traffic, and healthcare, etc. under M2M communication and integrated single level umbrella structured applications. Out of several M2M monitoring and controlling applications towards smart cities, few key applications are presented in this paper with their basic approach, workflow, and concerning issues and used technologies for the implementation with the brief growth analysis.

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