
To achieve the Paris Agreement's targets, Taiwan is actively working towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. In particular, carbon capture storage (CCS) and utilization (CCU) have been recognized as significant strategies to meet these goals. To foster the deployment of CCU technologies in Taiwan, this work presents a methodology to identify appropriate CO2 source-sink matching. Spatial analysis is used to tease out prospective source-sink matches, and spatially characterize and visualize potential clusters where opportunities for CCU deployment exist.In total, 6 clusters of facilities were identified and quantitatively characterized using geographical information system tools. They include main stationary CO2 sources (> 0.1 MtCO2 per year) from both the power sector and hard-to-abate industries, such as cement and steelmaking plants. Potential CO2 sinks comprise existing sites that currently use CO2, CO2 biofixation from microalgae farming, and CO2 mineralization from alkaline solid wastes. In addition to the annual 200 ktCO2 already used by industrial facilities, approximately 3 MtCO2 can be fixed by the mineralization process, and 7 ktCO2 biofixed through microalgae farming per year. These clusters may offer commercial synergies lowering the risk while achieving carbon and waste reduction and providing long-term CO2 storage in the case of mineral carbonation.

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