
We constructed a recombination-based map of the fungal plant pathogen Gibberella fujikuroi mating population A (asexual stage Fusarium moniliforme). The map is based on the segregation of 142 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers, two auxotrophic genes (arg1, nic1), mating type (matA+/matA-), female sterility (ste1), spore-killer (Sk), and a gene governing the production of the mycotoxin fumonisin B1 (fum1) among 121 random ascospore progeny from a single cross. We identified 12 linkage groups corresponding to the 12 chromosome-sized DNAs previously observed in contour-clamped homogeneous electric field (CHEF) gels. Linkage groups and chromosomes were correlated via Southern blots between appropriate RFLP markers and the CHEF gels. Eleven of the 12 chromosomes are meiotically stable, but the 12th (and smallest) is subject to deletions in 3% (4/121) of the progeny. Positive chiasma interference occurred on five of the 12 chromosomes, and nine of the 12 chromosomes averaged more than one crossover per chromosome. The average kb/cM ratio in this cross is approximately 32.

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