
The paper describes how to formally specify three path finding algorithms in Maude, a rewriting logic-based programming/specification language, and how to model check if they enjoy desired properties with the Maude LTL model checker. The three algorithms are Dijkstra Shortest Path Finding Algorithm (DA), A* Algorithm and LPA* Algorithm. One desired property is that the algorithms always find the shortest path. To this end, we use a path finding algorithm (BFS) based on breadth-first search. BFS finds all paths from a start node to a goal node and the set of all shortest paths is extracted. We check if the path found by each algorithm is included in the set of all shortest paths for the property. A* is an extension of DA in that for each node [Formula: see text] an estimation [Formula: see text] of the distance to the goal node from [Formula: see text] is used and LPA* is an incremental version of A*. It is known that if [Formula: see text] is admissible, A* always finds the shortest path. We have found a possible relaxed sufficient condition. The relaxed condition is that there exists the shortest path such that for each node [Formula: see text] except for the start node on the path [Formula: see text] plus the cost to [Formula: see text] from the start node is less than the cost of any non-shortest path to the goal from the start. We informally justify the relaxed condition. For LPA*, if the relaxed condition holds in each updated version of a graph concerned including the initial graph, the shortest path is constructed. Based on the three case studies for DA, A* and LPA*, we summarize the formal specification and model checking techniques used as a generic approach to formal specification and model checking of path finding algorithms.

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