
In today’s decision support system, geospatial information is becoming an important component due to its capability of spatial referencing and visual analysis in form of map. Geospatial data are often collected and maintained by different organizations and has become a major bottleneck for spatial integration. Further, the properties and the relationships among the data are not always crisply defined. Thus in order to achieve more accuracy, the uncertainty associated with the spatial information should be captured. This paper proposes a methodology that integrates these diverse complex data using fuzzy geospatial web service. It starts with a fuzzy geospatial data modeling technique that captures the properties of the geospatial data, relationship among them and uncertainty associated with these properties and relationships. The issue of interoperability and integration of diverse data sets are realized through an Enterprise GIS framework which uses geospatial web services. The queries related to decision support processes are analyzed using fuzzy reasoning to enhance the accuracy.

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