
The agrarian issue and access to land involve a wid e range of topics. The struggle for land in Brazil is already a historical issue and is gaining more strength every day through the organization of social movements. In re cent decades is also possible to identify the growing participation of workers from urban areas in movements in the struggle for land and in rural settlements. It is a reaction to poverty and the lack of urban work, which make these pursue new places to reside and work in agricultural and non- agricultural activities as a way to ensure survival . These territorial changes are not limited to occupations and ways of generating incom e of these individuals. A territory is above all a living space, a suitable space for an i ndividual or a group of individuals. This is a workplace, a place of struggle for surviv al, where it builds the most diverse ties and social relations, a living space. In this sense the present study addresses the formation of a new urban identity of former workers from the desterritorialization and subsequent reterritorialization peasant settlers in Campanha Gaucha in the state of Rio Grande do Sul

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