
Abstract Context:Commercial video games usually feature an extensive source code and requirements that are related to code lines from multiple methods. Traceability is vital in terms of maintenance and content update, so it is necessary to explore such search spaces properly. Objective:This work presents and evaluates CODFREL (Code Fragment-based Requirement Location), our approach to fine-grained requirement traceability, which lies in an evolutionary algorithm and includes encoding and genetic operators to manipulate code fragments that are built from source code lines. We compare it with a baseline approach (Regular-LSI) by configuring both approaches with different granularities (code lines / complete methods). Method:We evaluated our approach and Regular-LSI in the Kromaia video game case study, which is a commercial video game released on PC and PlayStation 4. The approaches are configured with method and code line granularity and work on 20 requirements that are provided by the development company. Our approach and Regular-LSI calculate similarities between requirements and code fragments or methods to propose possible solutions and, in the case of CODFREL, to guide the evolutionary algorithm. Results:The results, which compare code line and method granularity configurations of CODFREL with different granularity configurations of Regular-LSI, show that our approach outperforms Regular-LSI in precision and recall, with values that are 26 and 8 times better, respectively, even though it does not achieve the optimal solutions. We make an open-source implementation of CODFREL available. Conclusions:Since our approach takes into consideration key issues like the source code size in commercial video games and the requirement dispersion, it provides better starting points than Regular-LSI in the search for solution candidates for the requirements. However, the results and the influence of domain-specific language on them show that more explicit knowledge is required to improve such results.

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