
In system identification process often a predetermined set of features is used. However, in many cases it is difficult to know a priori whether the selected features were really the more appropriate ones. This is the reason why the feature construction techniques have been very interesting in many applications. Thus, the current proposal introduces the use of these techniques in order to improve the description of fuzzy rule-based systems. In particular, the idea is to include feature construction in a genetic learning algorithm. The construction of attributes in this study will be restricted to the inclusion of functions defined on the initial attributes of the system. Since the number of functions and the number of attributes can be very large, a filter model, based on the use of information measures, is introduced. In this way, the genetic algorithm only needs to explore the particular new features that may be of greater interest to the final identification of the system. In order to manage the knowledge provided by the new attributes based on the use of functions we propose a new model of rule by extending a basic learning fuzzy rule-based model. Finally, we show the experimental study associated with this work.

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