
Traditional digital image processing techniques face problems such as complex feature extraction and weak robustness when dealing with surface defects of multiple categories of electronic components. Deep learning is widely used in industrial defect detection. However, the performance of electronic component defect detection at the pixel segmentation level needs to be improved. For pixel-level defect detection, this paper constructs a defect detection model (ECSDDNet) for electronic component surface defects in computer vision engineering management system. To improve the segmentation accuracy and detection effect, three stages of experiments are conducted to address mis-segmentation problems and the shortcomings of the Unet network structure. Firstly, a classification network that can perform weight transfer is used to replace the encoding structure in the Unet network. Secondly, a simplified version of the feature fusion is proposed and added to the skip connection of the Unet network. Finally, label smoothing is used to optimize the loss and improve the generalization of the network. After the optimization experiment, some noisy contours and small defect contours that are mis-segmented are removed. Experimental results show that ECSDDNet has good segmentation effects on electronic component surface defects and can meet the segmentation and detection needs of electronic component surface defects.

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