
The maximum vertex-weighted clique problem (MVWCP) and the maximum edge-weighted clique problem (MEWCP) are two natural extensions of the fundamental maximum clique problem. In this paper, we systematically study MEWCP and make the following major contributions: (1) We show that MEWCP is NP-hard even when the minimum degree of the graph is n-2, in contrast to MVWCP which is polynomial-time solvable when the minimum degree of the graph is at least n-3. This result distinguishes the complexity of the two problems for the first time. (2) To address MEWCP, we develop an efficient branch-and-bound algorithm called MEWCat with both practical and theoretical performance guarantees. In practice, MEWCat utilizes a new upper bound tighter than existing ones, which allows for more efficient pruning of branches. In theory, we prove a running-time bound of O*(1.4423^n) for MEWCat, which breaks the trivial bound of O*(2^n) in the research line of practical exact MEWCP solvers for the first time. (3) Empirically, we evaluate the performance of MEWCat on various benchmark instances. The experiments demonstrate that MEWCat outperforms state-of-the-art exact solvers significantly. For instance, on 16 DIMACS graphs that the state-of-the-art solver BBEWC fails to solve within 7200 seconds, MEWCat solves all of them with an average time of less than 1000 seconds. On real-world graphs, MEWCat achieves an average speedup of over 36x.

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