
Knowledge is an important business which has technical and social dimensions, and directs the future of organizations. However, is often perceived as the field of information technology experts and managers. The fact that the concept cannot be clearly separated from similar ones has a negative impact on processes. In other words, although widespread use of information systems and big data analyzes play an active role in decision-making processes; it is thought that without social dimension will be insufficient. In this context, a study has been designed to determine the focus of researches on management. First, publications in the field of “knowledge management” were searched through the university online library (lib.ikc.edu.tr). The distribution of these studies according to the different scientific areas was determined and the studies focusing on management, in the field of business & within the scope of social sciences, were examined. Then, to make a comparison, in all issues of the Academy of Management Journal, which have the highest impact factor in the field of business and management, publications with keyword knowledge management have been reached and within these publications keywords which are used together with have been analyzed. In addition, within the scope of the study, the publications were evaluated according to their subjects and years, and the differences were explained between general literature and Academy of Management Journal. According to the findings, it is possible to say that the technical dimension of is studied more frequently than the social dimension in general business & literature. In the Academy of Management Journal, it is seen that the social dimension of is studied more frequently than the technical dimension.

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