
The very rapid development of information technology has brought tactical and strategic advantages, but it can also be a potential attack from opposing parties on the information and communication systems and networks used, thus opening the way for the emergence of a new war, namely cyber warfare. Cyber attacks are a new threat to Adisutjipto Air Base, which targets vital parts that can impact the organization and make the command and control system ineffective and inefficient. One of the important elements of Adisutjipto Lanud in facing cyber attacks is the readiness of data and communication network security personnel. In the direct or conventional personnel selection process, it is not possible to see the abilities possessed by prospective data security personnel, both in terms of skills, management aspects, analytical aspects, competency weight, and so on. A decision support system can be used to assist decision-making based on existing criteria. This research is limited to only considering the selection of personnel who will become members of komlek or senkom who are responsible for data security and communications networks at Adisutjipto Air Base. In this research, the method used is the profile matching method. The concept of the profile matching method is to compare the selection using the conventional method with the decision support system method in selecting komlek/senkom personnel as cyber security personnel so that differences in competency can be identified, also called GAP (Gross Across Product). The smaller the GAP produced, the greater the weight of the value. large, this means that personnel who meet the requirements have a greater chance of someone occupying that position. The final result of this research is to obtain ranking information for each cyber security candidate based on profile matching calculations to be able to carry out tasks optimally in securing data and networks at Adisutjipto Air Base.

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