
This paper proposes a day-to-day route choice model based on travellers’ behavioural characteristics. The model is able to reflect travellers’ route choice in one day and describes the diversity of route choice behaviours. First, characteristics of the day- to-day route choice and travellers’ bounded rationality are analysed. A loop architecture based on the evolution of travellers’ daily choices is presented; deliberate route choice and habitual route choice in the architecture are discussed. A model is then proposed based on the theoretical analysis. In this model, travellers’ behavioural characteristics in the day-to-day route choice are considered; i.e., forgetting previous travel times, risk attitude, habit effect, traveller's amount of attention on the route choice being made, perception of actual travel time, etc. Results of a numerical experiment show that the tendencies of the simulated travellers’ choices are reasonable and similar with that in reality, and that the model is able to reproduce travellers’ route choice with more behavioural characteristics.

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