
As a global poverty alleviation mechanism, the Millennium Development Goals MDGs global performance was considered average. Although, the project's performance with certain of its goals on country to country were great when taking cognizance of its global record. But its achievements differed from country to country and could not hit the main target of ensuring no one is left behind. It therefore failed in the achievement of its very goal of lifting the people all over the world from the scourge of poverty. This birthed the Ssustainable Development Goals whose primary goal is to zero poverty by 2030 and other targets that would ensure political, economic and social wholeness of people. Almost five years now into the new project of the SDGs, an important question to be asked is can the project meet up with the 2030 Agenda in the continent of Africa especially in both countries of study Nigeria and Ghana. Another important question is “Who the right partners for the project are; such partners that would ensure that no one person is left behind at the end of 2030? What mechanisms have they put in place to ensure that the goals are met by the end of 2030; the supposed target for the end of the project?” These are some of the questions highlighted in this piece, which serve as guide for a study into the ongoing project of the SDGs in Nigeria and Ghana.

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