
We present work of our COST Action on “Understanding and exploiting the impacts of low pH on micro-organisms”. First, we summarise a workshop held at the European Federation of Biotechnology meeting on Microbial Stress Responses (online in 2020) on “Industrial applications of low pH stress on microbial bio-based production”, as an example of an initiative fostering links between pure and applied research. We report the outcomes of a small survey on the challenging topic of developing links between researchers working in academia and industry that show that, while people in different sectors strongly support such links, barriers remain that obstruct this process. We present the thoughts of an expert panel held as part of the workshop above, where people with experience of collaboration between academia and industry shared ideas on how to develop and maintain links. Access to relevant information is essential for research in all sectors, and because of this we have developed, as part of our COST Action goals, two resources for the free use of all researchers with interests in any aspects of microbial responses to low pH. These are (1) a comprehensive database of references in the literature on different aspects of acid stress responses in different bacterial and fungal species, and (2) a database of research expertise across our network. We invite the community of researchers working in this field to take advantage of these resources to identify relevant literature and opportunities for establishing collaborations.

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