
The modelling of fluid-particle acceleration in homogeneous isotropic turbulence in terms of stochastic models for the Lagrangian velocity, acceleration and a dissipation rate variable is considered. The basis for the Reynolds model (A. M. Reynolds, Phys. Rev. Lett. vol. 91, 2003, 084503) is reviewed and examined by reference to direct numerical simulations (DNS) of isotropic turbulence at Taylor-scale Reynolds number (Rλ) up to about 650. In particular, we show DNS data that support stochastic modelling of the logarithm of pseudo-dissipation as an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process and reveal non-Gaussianity of the acceleration conditioned on fluctuations of the pseudo-dissipation rate. The DNS data are used to construct a new stochastic model that is exactly consistent with Gaussian velocity and conditionally cubic-Gaussian acceleration statistics. This model captures the effects of small-scale intermittency on acceleration and the conditional dependence of acceleration on pseudo-dissipation (which differs from that predicted by the refined Kolmogorov hypotheses). Non-Gaussianity of the conditionally standardized acceleration probability density function (PDF) is accounted for in terms of model nonlinearity. The large-time behaviour of the new model is that of a velocity-dissipation model that can be matched with DNS data for conditional second-order Lagrangian velocity structure functions. As a result, the diffusion coefficient for the new model incorporates two-time information and its Reynolds-number dependence as observed in DNS. The resulting model predictions for conditional and unconditional velocity autocorrelations and time scales are shown to be in very good agreement with DNS.

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