
Matrix Metalloproteinases and TIMPs by J. Frederick Woessner and Hideaki Nagase Oxford University Press (2000) pp. 223. ISBN 0–19-850268-0 35.00 Ever since Gross discovered that collagenase was responsible for resorption of the tadpole tail, there has been a small group of outstanding scientists that have dedicated their careers to the study of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). The family of MMPs has now grown to over 20, and they have been implicated in multiple biological processes drawing the attention of scientists of many disciplines. Two leaders in the field who have ushered in the modern era of MMP biology are Fred Woessner and Hideake Nagase and they share their expertise in Matrix Metalloproteinases and TIMPs. In a concise, yet thorough manner, these authors provide the basic biochemical and biological basis for the study of MMPs. This information, laced with a strong sense of historical perspective, is conveyed in the same interesting manner in which they educated this reviewer and many others over late night scotch at MMP Gordon Conferences. For the interested novice, one will come away no longer needing a score card to keep track of MMP-1 through MMP-22 (perhaps more by now). One will understand which cells produce which MMPs and TIMPs in response to which stimuli. The reader will understand the multiple levels of regulation of MMP activity through gene transcription, proenzyme activation, and inhibition by TIMPs. The book is filled with readable tables depicting important concepts in classification, evolution, and substrate specificity. The authors provide extensive key references for further reading as only they can. The only area not extensively covered is the rapidly emerging in vivo function of MMPs that comes from transgenic and gene targeted mice and animal models. Perhaps this will be the sequel to this primer. As the biological role of these enzymes expands and it becomes more difficult for scientists to ignore MMPs, this book provides a meaningful and painless way to become fluent in the field. Upon completion of the text, readers will feel comfortable incorporating MMPs into their research endeavors. Hopefully this work will spark investigators to ask how these enzymes relate to one's own research interests thus broadening our general biological knowledge.

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