Ayurveda is the science of life and its main aim is to maintain healthy status of healthy individuals and to cure the disease of the diseased persons, i.e. Swasthasya Swastha Rakshanam Aturasya Vikara Prashama-na”. To fulfil these purposes, Ayurveda has mentioned various fundamental principle in the treatises of Ayurveda. Concept of Ojus and Vyadhikshamatva (IMMUNITY)have been explained in Ayurvedic Treatis-es. Even though Ojus is located in Hrdaya (HEART), Ojus pervades all over the body and controls the all the functions of the body. By its loss or destruction, the destruction of life /body is sure to happen and by its presence, the body is sure to survive and different state (condition, activity, etc) concerned with the body are brought properly. The main function of Ojus is seen in treatises in the form of Vyadhikshamatva. Capacity or power of body to fight against disease and to resist against production of disease is known as Vyadhikshamatva. Immunity is defined as the capacity of the body to resist the pathogenic agents. So, the concept of Ojus and Vyadhikshamatva are similar as that of immunity of modern science. Understanding the concept of Ojus and Vyadhikshamatva will be helpful in fulfilling both the aims of Ayurvedic science, i.e. in contribution of implementation of positive health and in seeking solution of disorder through Ayur-veda. So, here an effort is made to study on Ojus.
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