Abstract Āyurveda is a boon for mankind and is an integral part of Atharvaṇaveda (1200–1000 bce), having a vast literature. Carakasaṁhitā is the most authentic literature in the entire Āyurveda, which was explained in the Carakasaṁhitā siddhisthāna: “Whatever is stated in this saṁhitā is available elsewhere, but things which are not mentioned here are not to be found anywhere else.” This shows the authenticity of Carakasaṁhitā. Āyurveda aims to maintain the health of a healthy person and cure a diseased one. Due to rapid globalization, people are adopting unhealthy habits like sedentary lifestyles, irregular food habits, and stressful conditions that lead to various diseases. Food (Āhāra) is one of the three pillars of life (trayopastaṃbha), which plays an important role in health and disease. Conscious intake of food in a proper quantity helps in the normal functioning of the agni and maintaining health. carakācārya has given a good explanation about amicable quantity of food (mātrāhāra) in various contexts in mātrāśitīyam adhyāyaṁ and yajjaḥpuruṣīyam adhyāyaṁ of sūtrasthāna and trividhakukṣīyaṁ vimānaṁ of vimānasthāna. These chapters explain the proper quality, quantity, and method, including eight rules of administering food (aṣṭānāmāhāravidhiviśēṣāyatanānāh). The present study is a collation of minute details of mātrāhāra in detail and its role in preserving health.
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