
The Transfusion Medicine Academic Awards (TMAA) program, sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, has provided grants to medical schools to help them develop comprehensive curricula in transfusion medicine. In 1989, the TMAA Group published a set of comprehensive curricular goals for teaching transfusion medicine. The medical student portion of this curriculum has now been revised to reflect new developments in transfusion medicine and recent trends in medical school education. Two medical schools independently revised the 1989 curriculum for their students. Because significant similarities were noted between curricula of the two institutions, the two revisions were combined and submitted to all TMAA institutions for comment. As a result, a revised medical school curriculum was developed and approved by the TMAA Group. The revised curriculum consists of 28 objectives in six major areas of transfusion medicine. It is presented in its entirety in this article. The TMAA transfusion medicine curriculum should provide to medical schools a valuable resource for evaluating their teaching of transfusion medicine and should provide to medical school deans and curriculum committees an authoritative source of transfusion medicine expertise.

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