
A new era of supply chain management has been brought about by the digital age, which is completely changing the way companies organize, carry out, and maximize their operations. This survey report provides an in-depth analysis of supply chain management's present situation in this digital environment. Utilizing a comprehensive analysis of extant literature, papers, and studies, it pinpoints and investigates the pivotal patterns, obstacles, and prospects that enterprises encounter when adopting digital technology inside their supply chains. This article explores the range of digital technologies, including blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), big data analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT), that have transformed supply chain management. We provide a classified overview of the area by examining the data from many sources and emphasizing recurring elements that characterize the contemporary supply chain environment. We also take into account the effects of digitalization on corporate operations, such as the difficulties associated with data protection, the necessity of change management, and the possibility of increased productivity. Case studies of industry leaders who have successfully transitioned to the digital era shed light on best practices and offer useful insights. Looking forward, we offer a glimpse into the future of supply chain management, predicting and discussing emerging trends and technologies, such as 5G connectivity and sustainability initiatives. This paper concludes with a call to action, emphasizing the importance of staying ahead in the digital age for organizations seeking to remain competitive, agile, and resilient in an ever-evolving business landscape. It also suggests areas for future research and development, guiding further exploration in the field.

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