
A peptic ulcer is defined as disruption of the mucosal integrity of the stomach and/or duodenum leading to a local defect or excavation due to active inflammation. Although burning epigastric pain exacerbated by fasting and improved with meals is a symptom complex associated with peptic ulcer disease, the majority of patients with peptic ulcers may be asymptomatic. Peptic ulcer significantly affects quality of life by impairing overall patient well-being and contributing substantially to work absenteeism. In symptomatic patients, the most common presenting symptoms are epigastric pain, which may be associated with dyspepsia, bloating, abdominal fullness, nausea, and averse to ingest the enough quantity of food because of bloating. These symptoms could be correlated with the disease “Gunmam” mentioned in Siddha texts.In this review, we discuss and highlight the latest evidence of complications related to peptic ulcer disease& their conventional treatments such as proton pump inhibitors and histamine-2 receptor antagonists and the adverse effects, relapses, and various drug interactions. On the other hand, medicinal plants, metal, mineral & animal products and their chemical compounds are useful in the prevention and treatment of numerous diseases. Hence, this review represents the information retrieval of common therapeutic sources like herbal, mineral, and animal formulations (either single or combined) for Gunmam and the general properties of herbs, metals & salts mentioned in the authenticated Siddha literatures. These possess more promising efficacy and having less of adverse drug reactions which is the need of hour for treatment of Gunmam.

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