In Mobile Ad hoc network, nodes are connected through a wireless are formed a fast changed network structure and it is a infrastructure less, can be set up anytime, anywhere. The nodes are mobile based on battery operated and nodes have limited battery resources. Routing protocol selection in Mobile Ad Hoc Network is a big challenge, because of its regular topology changes and routing overhead. In Manet, energy efficient protocols are used to forward data packets one to another without much packet loss. Energy reactive routing protocol is effective routing protocol in Manet and nodes are requires energy efficient routing protocols to bound the power consumption, and lengthen the battery life to improve the life time of the network. The main objective of this paper is to enhance the network performance of different routing protocols, when frequent link failure in network due to mobility of the nodes in the network. The performance analysis and simulation are carried out to evaluate network performance using Network Simulator (NS-2), based on the different load, node mobility, delay, packet sending rate and energy consumption. It has been verified through various simulations, which represent a wide range of network conditions that energy AODV deliver the better performance as that of the modern protocols DSDV, TORA, DSDV, DSR and AODV in terms of energy efficiency but it is observed that DSR needs significantly smaller energy overheads than other protocols.
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