
Large cargo that cannot be moved worldwide by air or rail transportation is typically conveyed via marine transportation, which relies on fossil fuels and contributes to global emissions. However, a more cost-effective solution is to utilize eco-friendly fuels to reduce carbon emissions. The design of a new hybridized powering system using environmentally friendly hydrogen-based fuel blends is investigated. This paper presents a new hybrid combined marine engine, which involves an internal combustion engine paired with a hybrid solid oxide fuel cell and gas turbine. The exergy, exergoeconomic, and exergoenvironmental analyses are conducted on this proposed engine. It is found that the average net power is about 27 MW with an increase of 30% and the energy and exergy efficiencies are 31% and 41%, respectively. In addition, the average exergetic efficiency based on fuel and product principle is 60%. This new marine engine has 228 $/h Levelized cost rate and 1109 mPt/h environmental rate. Finally, the average overall specific product exergy cost and environment are 64 $/GJ and 22 mPt/MJ, respectively. Also, carbon emissions are significantly reduced by 35%–61%, depending on the fuel blend. Comparing five fuel blends, the methane and hydrogen fuel blend is the most economical and has the least impact on the environment, and the second option is the ethanol blend.

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