
Abstract The occurrence of broodiness in turkeys is under humeral control and can be influenced by environmental factors. It is common practice to disrupt the broodiness cycle by removing the persistent nest-occupiers to wire-floored broody pens for a period of several days. Often, these pens are highly illuminated and males are placed in the pens. The use of high frequency sound was reported to be effective in shortening the broodiness cycle in Broad Breasted Bronze turkeys by Jeannoutot and Adams (1961). Haller and Cherms (1961) found that wire floor broody coops, high-light intensity environment, progestrone, gonadotropins and diethystilbestrol administrations were effective in varying degrees in terminating broodiness in Broad Breasted Bronze turkeys. The use of low voltage, electric stimulation was reported by Pall (1947) and Nakajo (1952) to interrupt the broody cycle in chickens with subsequent restoration of egg production. Most methods for reducing the incidence of broodiness in turkeys are…

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