
Modern sports are becoming more and more competitive and the margin of error is decreasing from seconds to micro seconds, inches to millimeters, kilos to grams, so why this all is changing it is due to development in the sports science and with this there are lot of changes taking place and those are defiantly helping our youth to achieve greater heights day by day, for which researchers are doing studies, for studying the factors which directly or indirectly affect the performance of the athletes, for understanding one of this factor the research scholar had investigated weather environment does play any role in morphological, physical and motor fitness variable on individuals. Many research works have been conducted related to health and physical fitness and Motor Fitness, it is known that any competitive sports performance cannot be improved however the role of physical Education and sports the improvement especially for sportsman is not known. By understanding the Physical Education Fields requirement the researcher has selected “Comparison of Selected Motor Fitness Components of Girl students dwelling in Non Slum and Slum Areas in Thane District”.

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