
Regulations on the release of a radioactively contaminated site for unrestricted use are currently being established by the Environmental Protection Agency. The effective dose equivalent rate limit for the reasonably maximally exposed individual was proposed at 0.15 mSv y(-1). The purpose of this study is to investigate whether or not maximum allowable soil concentrations of common radionuclides corresponding to 0.15 mSv y(-1) are readily detectable. These maximum allowable soil concentrations were estimated using RESRAD. The RESRAD estimates account for an effective dose equivalent rate from external radiation plus the committed effective dose equivalent rate from internal radiation delivering 0.15 mSv y(-1) to the reasonably maximally exposed individual. For Michigan and Arizona soil, the minimum detectable activities were calculated for a few radionuclides and compared to the RESRAD estimated maximum allowable concentrations. Considering only gamma-ray spectroscopy, this study found no evidence that concentrations of gamma-ray emitting radionuclides in soil contributing to 0.15 mSv y(-1) were undetectable.

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