
. This paper is a study or comparative study between Indonesia and Russia on the regulation of one of the fundamental rights in human rights, namely the right to freedom of religion. As a constitutional state based on law, Indonesia and Russia have made arrangements for this in their constitutions, the most basic of which is contained in the 1945 Constitution (Indonesia) and The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Russia). Universal rules such as human rights play an important role as an instrument that ensures the preservation of the rights of citizens and the implementation of state functions to fulfill these rights. The right to freedom of religion is one of the rights guaranteed in Article 19 of The Constitution of the Russian Federation in Russia, and the 1945 Constitution, as well as several regulations on human rights in Indonesia. Article 19 of the Russian constitution states that The State shall guarantee the equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, regardless of sex, race, religion, and also of other circumstances. All forms of limitations of human rights shall be banned. And Article 28I paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution states that the right to religion is stated as a right that cannot be reduced under any circumstances, as well as the right to life, the right not to be tortured, the right to freedom of thought and conscience, the right not to be enslaved, the right to be recognized as a human being. person before the law, and the right not to be prosecuted on the basis of retroactive law. As one of the rights that cannot be reduced, the right to religion should apply universally and non-discriminatory.

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