
The present study aims to explore emotional maturity among child labour and regular school going adolescents. For the said purpose sample of the study comprises of 80 adolescents out of whom 50 are regular school going and rests 30 were child labour selected purposively from different schools, canteen, shops, and markets of Aligarh city where they are educating and working. Emotional maturity Scale developed by Dr. Yashvir Singh and Dr. Mahesh Bhargava (1991) was employed to collect the necessary data. The data was then analyzed through descriptive statistics and t-test with the help of SPSS 21. The findings of the study revealed no significant difference among the two groups viz, child labour and regular school going adolescents so far as their emotional maturity is concerned. The result obtained is further discussed and interpreted in terms of socio-cultural milieu prevailing in the present Indian scenario.

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