In the present work, we study the ovule, seed, and fruit development in six Bulbostylis species in order to characterize the genus in a comparative approach and to identify the characteristics that can be used in taxonomy and phylogeny. Flowers and fruits at different developmental stages were analyzed using LM and SEM after processing according to standard techniques. The species studied have the following: anatropous and bitegmic ovules, weak crassinucellar ovules, obturator of integumentary origin, monosporic embryo sac of the Polygonum type, nuclear endosperm, hypostase formation, seed coat formed by tanniferous endotegmen and exotesta, and Bulbostylis-type embryo. On the other hand, the pericarp development constitutes the main variation within Bulbostylis since the cells of the exocarp may or may not present starch grains, and their inner periclinal walls may be slightly or deeply concave depending on the degree of development of the mesocarp sclereids. In a taxonomic context, the results herein obtained are in conflict with studies which suggest infrageneric groupings based on fruit micromorphology, and also with the relationship among the Bulbostylis species based on molecular analysis. This work contributes to a better understanding of the reproductive anatomy and embryology in Bulbostylis, and reveals the first insights about the origin of multiple embryos in Cyperaceae. Given the frequent presence of polyembryony in Bulbostylis, and the poor mention of this condition in the family, this work highlights an aspect in the anatomy of Cyperaceae that must be re-explored.
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