
Let $M$ be a smooth manifold. When $\Gamma$ is a group acting on the manifold $M$ by diffeomorphisms one can define the $\Gamma$-co-invariant cohomology of $M$ to be the cohomology of the differential complex $\Omega_c(M)_\Gamma=\mathrm{span}\{\omega-\gamma^*\omega,\;\omega\in\Omega_c(M),\;\gamma\in\Gamma\}.$ For a Lie algebra $\mathcal{G}$ acting on the manifold $M$, one defines the cohomology of $\mathcal{G}$-divergence forms to be the cohomology of the complex $\mathcal{C}_{\mathcal{G}}(M)=\mathrm{span}\{L_X\omega,\;\omega\in\Omega_c(M),\;X\in\mathcal{G}\}.$ In this short paper we present a situation where these two cohomologies are infinite dimensional.

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