
This study aimed to investigate the factors that contribute to the propagation of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation on social media in Bangladesh. We attempted to identify the links between the propagation of misinformation and the factors associated with trust in sources based on personal ties among our respondents. In order to find our targeted outcomes, we used a cognitive method in our survey. A total of 202 replies were chosen for analysis, in which respondents were presented with falsified news and asked how they would react to it being shared or posted by someone with whom they have a personal connection. The survey also recorded a variety of other parameters. The Likert Chart Scale was our primary method of data collection, with Yes/No responses serving as a secondary option. The responses were analysed using statistical methods such as Chi-Square Tests, data visualizations and the Ordinal Logistic Regression Model. Our findings have shown that trust in the source can lead to hastily sharing news on social media platforms without proper verification. Other key factors, such as time spent on social media platforms and the type of content shared, also contribute to the propagation of fake news on social media platforms. Such findings may contribute to making Bangladesh more safe and secured in the cyberspace area.

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