
This paper is the second of three on the coffee production system consisting of (1) the coffee growth and development, (2) coffee/coffee berry borer (CBB) dynamics, and (3) the role of the CBB parasitoids and complementary strategies for control of CBB. The CBB model is based on a prior model by Gutierrez et al. (1998) with the following modifications:Refinements of the CBB model were made and the model linked to a revised plant model for coffee (Rodríguez et al., 2011). Several mortality factors for CBB and the effect of intraspecific competition were estimated and their importance evaluated.CBB parameters were updated based on recent literature and field observations.The effects of temperature and rainfall on the emergence of CBB adults were added.A nonlinear rate of development function was used to calculate daily degree-days to estimate accurately the effects of temperature extremes on CBB development.New field data from Colombia were used to test coffee fruiting phenology and the effect on CBB attack rates and age-structure population dynamics.CBB preferences for the coffee berry stages were estimated for cv. Colombia.

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