
Legal Design (LD) and Visual Law (VL) are two instruments that can be used in favor of elaborating on clearer and more transparent, and adequate legal solutions for the law recipients, the legal entities, and society at large. This article will explain the project “Legal Design and Visual Law in International Environmental Law: Conversion of the Escazú Agreement into Visual Materials for and with the Chiquitano People”. The objective of the project was to teach students, in practice, an efficient method to create understanding and engagement in Environmental Law. Simultaneously, the project aimed to support the coproduction of didactic materials for and with the Chiquitano people, which could act as a tool for strengthening environmental participation. This paper also aims to outline the different steps of the project by clarifying the methods and methodology of co-creation used. The article is divided into 3 sections: an overview of the concepts of LD and VL (section 1), the requisite steps LD and VL (section 2) and lastly, the paper demonstrates how these steps have been applied to the co-creation of the comic book (section 3).

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