
The optimum use of coverage in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is very important. The hierarchical routing protocol LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) is referred to as the basic algorithm of distributed clustering protocols. LEACH allows clusters formation. Each cluster has a leader called Cluster Head (CH). The selection of CHs is made with a probabilistic calculation. It is supposed that each non-CH node join a cluster and becomes a cluster member. Nevertheless, some CHs can be concentrated in a specific part of the network. Thus several sensor nodes cannot reach any CH. As a result, the remaining part of the controlled field will not be covered; some sensor nodes will be outside the network. To solve this problem, the authors propose O-LEACH (Orphan Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy), a routing protocol that takes into account the orphan nodes. O-LEACH presents two scenarios, a gateway and sub cluster that allow the joining of orphan nodes.

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