
INTRODUCTION Change in the complexion of an individual (declined one) usually points towards initiation of an illness and it are one of the cardinal sign of Pandu Roga. As majority of features in panduroga and anemia are similar, pandu roga is generally correlated with anemia. Among different types of anemia, Iron deficiency anemia (nutritional anemia) has been labeled as the commonest nutritional deficiency. According to WHO, it is estimated that prevalence of nutritional anemia in India is 76 % in preschool children, 50 % in school children, 15-20 % in men and 50-80 % in women, 70-90 % in pregnant women. Anemia is a burning problem mainly due to illiteracy and malnutrition and it is seen especially among socio economically backward community of India. School children and women of the villages are major victim of anemia. Keeping above aspects in mind an attempt had been made to find a formulation for the successful management of Pandu Roga. Kasisa is one among the iron-containing mineral. The references of Kasisa are for external application is found in Charaka samitha, Sushruta samitha and Astanga Sangraha. Later it was used as internal medicine in treating many diseases. The detailed description of Kasisa and its wide therapeutic use is found in almost all the text books of Rasa Shastra. In Rasendra Sara Sangraha Kasisa is said as “Rasavadgunakaraka” this emphasizes the importance of Kasisa. The shudda kasisa, one among the several preparations prescribed in the classics for the management of Panduroga. Which is a simple and economical; Method of preparation of shuddha Kasisa is also easy when compared to other preparations like Loha, Abhraka etc. Hence shudda Kasisa is selected for this study. Along with kasisa amalaki choorna is taken for the study because it is Agnidipaka, Brimhana, Balavardhaka and help in Preenana. It is a Rasayana, Vrishya and Raktapittahara Ascorbic acid is a reducing substance which is the main content of Amalaki. It reduces Ferric Iron and forms absorbable complexes. Ascorbic acid is even required for maturation of RBC.

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