Introduction: A double tooth can be a consequence of fusion or gemination and is characterized by a size increasing of the tooth and a morphological modification. This anomaly concerns the anterior teeth and occurs in temporary and permanent dentition. Double teeth causes various problems (aesthetic, occlusal, endodontic, orthodontic, periodontal…). The management of clinical situations involving such abnormalities is often complex. Our aim is to present a reasoned analysis based on a systematic review of therapeutic attitudes used in different clinical situations when the abnormal tooth is located at the anterior maxillary region. Material and Methods: We carried out electronic research via Pubmed and Sciencedirect to collect case reports published during the 20 recent years (1999-2020). We included 46 articles corresponding to 57 relevant case report that we classified based on Aguilo and coll. Classification (1999). Results: Partial crown and root section is indicated for type I. Stipping is indicated for type II. The management of type III is compromised by the canal morphology. Extraoral and entraoral hemisection are only indicated for type IV. Coronoplasty is usually unavoidable. Endodontic, orthodontic, or periodontal treatment can be indicated depending on the situation. The extraction is considered as a last resort, the space is restored by autotransplantation of a supernumerary tooth, a prosthetic restoration, or an implant by the end of the craniofacial growth. Conclusion: The management of double teeth is a therapeutic challenge, every case is different, a multidisciplinary approach is recommended.
A double tooth can be a consequence of fusion or gemination and is characterized by a size increasing of the tooth and a morphological modification
La fusion est une anomalie de forme issue de l’union de deux bourgeons dentaires à n’importe quel stade de leur développement, elle peut se produire entre 2 dents normales ou entre une dent normale et une dent surnuméraire
Nous avons noté à travers les articles inclus, que devant tous les types de dents doubles la prise en charge orthodontique est indispensable et souvent indiquée, vu les malocclusions concomitantes et les interférences, diastèmes et dysharmonie dento dentaire conséquentes aux dents doubles
A double tooth can be a consequence of fusion or gemination and is characterized by a size increasing of the tooth and a morphological modification This anomaly concerns the anterior teeth and occurs in temporary and permanent dentition. (1999) [2] a différencié entre quatre types de dents doubles en se basant sur leur morphologie coronaire, radiculaire et canalaire, on distingue : -Type I : une couronne large avec une encoche au bord incisal, une racine de taille normale et une chambre pulpaire bifide 1.b) - Type III : Deux couronnes fusionnées symétriques ou asymétriques avec une racine large et conique , un seul canal large et souvent divisé dans sa moitié apicale Nous nous proposons à travers une revue systématique des différentes approches thérapeutiques rapportées, de définir les indications et les recommandations cliniques fondées pour la prise d'une décision thérapeutique appropriée face à ces cas de dents doubles
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