
The article describes the issue of the rights of every human being, with particular emphasison the rights of people with disabilities, including the right to education in principle.On the basis of the analysis of the rights of people with disabilities, the situation of inequalitiesin access to education for children, adolescents, people with a deep intellectualdisability, who until now do not have the status of a student in Poland, but only the statusof a pupil, participant in the so-called rehabilitation and educational classes. This inequalityby the educational authorities is generally justified by the specificity of the developmentand psychophysical and psychosocial functioning of these people and the lack of theso-called core curriculum. In view of the above, an attempt was made to present possibleactivities for the education of children and adolescents with a deep intellectual disabilityin the status of a student, focusing not so much on the field of special education, but onthe field of inclusive education.

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