
This study focuses on analyzing the behaviour of groundwater in the Ambala District using a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) approach. The Ambala District, located in 30.2862° N, 76.9643° E faces challenges related to groundwater availability and sustainability due to increasing water demand and potential environmental impacts. The research integrates various datasets, including hydrogeological parameters, groundwater level measurements, land use/land cover data, and geological information specific to the Ambala District. These datasets are processed and analyzed using GIS tools, enabling the identification of spatial patterns, trends, and relationships associated with groundwater behaviour. The analysis encompasses key aspects such as groundwater recharge areas, flow direction, aquifer characteristics, and vulnerability to contamination. By overlaying different thematic layers and conducting spatial analysis, the study identifies areas with high potential for groundwater recharge, areas of groundwater flow convergence or divergence, and regions prone to contamination risks from anthropogenic activities.

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