
Introduction: We describe the operational and rehabilitative management of a patient who suffered a spinal cord injury as a result of a high-velocity gunshot wound to the lumbar spine, as well as the patient's outcome. A patient with a gunshot wound to the spine, in particular, is more likely to suffer a full injury and have a terrible prognosis. As a result, there should be concerns about bullet fragmentation-related injuries, as well as the risk of long-term consequences. Clinical finding: Back discomfort that is unbearable or pressure in your neck, head, or back. Weakness Diagnostic Evaluation: Blood test: Hb:-9.8gm%, Total RBC count 3.8 million /cu mm, RDW-13.3 % HCT:- 43% Total WBC count -4,300/cu mm, Monocytes :-02%,Granulocytes:-1,600µL,Lymphocytes-2,300/ml, Gunshot AST(SGOT)-8µ/l Outcome: After received treatment, the point show improvement and abdomen pain were relieved Conclusion: Mr. Rajendra Gedam admitted in AVBRH for elective spinal cord injury repair on. He having problem while sitting.

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