
Introduction: Mumps is an acute infectious disease caused by mumps virus. The main pathologic feature is serofibrinous inflammation of the salivary glands, resulting in their swelling. In pre-puberty children the course of illness is usually benign, and approximately one third of the cases remain subclinical. Extrasalivary gland involvement, such as orchitis, meningitis, pancreatitis is possible. The inflammation of pancreas takes an auspicious course and lasting sequels, such as diabetes mellitus or pancreatic cancer, do not occur. Orchitis occurs in 15-40% of postpubertal males with mumps, and without treatment 30-50% of them develop testicular atrophy, which is associated with male infertility. The testicular atrophy after recovery from mumps orchitis is linked as a predisposing factor for testicular cancer. Objective: To present a case report of patient with multi-organ localization of mumps virus and to analyze the severity of the specific organ form of the disease. Case report: We present a case report of mumps, in combination with mumps orchitis and mumps pancreatitis in 25 years old man, hospitalized in the Clinic of infectious diseases - Varna. Diagnosis was established on the basis of clinical features of disease, epidemiological, biochemical and serological data, realized through the relevant laboratories in the St. Marina Hospital - Varna. Results: In the presented case, the disease started as a moderate form of mumps affecting both parotid glands, and 3 days after the onset of the symptoms, pancreatitis and orchitis occurred. Conclusion: multi-organ involvement in the clinical course of mumps, taking its with is usual manifestation of the disease. In spite of the multiple organ involvement in this case, the patient recovered without lasting sequels.

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