
On December 19, 1894, sick Eleanor M ko, diagnosed with polypus uteri, was sent to me by a comrade of the land. Arriving to the patient at the hotel, I found her in a very bad state: deathly pale, with a very weak pulse, with t to 40.0 ; dirty blood with a strongly putrid odor was discharged from the vagina. The patient was immediately sent to the hospital, where a thorough examination gave the following: the patient is of medium height, the skeletal system is developed correctly, muscles and skin are flabby; the outer covers are very pale; the visible mucous membranes are very pale with a cyanotic tinge; heart, lungs, and urine are normal. External genitals, heavily soiled with a dirty red fluid, are normal; first degree perineal rupture; the genital gap gapes a little; 2 snt. from the entrance to the vagina, the finger comes across a round, rather soft and elastic body, reminiscent, at first impression, of a fibrous polyp; this body, the size of a slightly enlarged uterus, has only a round outline below; above it tapers and passes into a small groove, limited by the external os of the uterus. In place of the body of the uterus, a small solid formation is felt, the size of a slightly enlarged ovary; this formation closes a funnel, which in this case cannot be felt; nothing pathological is felt in the vaults. When viewed in mirrors, the described body appears to be a dirty gray color, in places even completely black; at the slightest touch, the body bleeds quite a lot. The patient's body temperature is 39.6 C., pulse 120, very weak and easily compressed; the patient cannot move without assistance.


  • 19-го декабря 1894 года, ко мнѣ была прислана однимъ земскимъ товарищемъ больная Элеонора М—ко, съ діагнозомъ polypus uteri

  • Послѣрожденія ребенка прибыла повитухаи заставила больную тужиться надъ горшкомъ, при чемъ сама въ это время потягивала за пуповину; мѣсто вышло и вслѣдъ за нимъ было такое кровотеченіе, что больная потеряла сознаніе

  • Здѣсь я хотѣлъ бы еще разъ обратить вниманіе товарищей на то, что не одно только раздраженіе тампонами слизистой оболочки вызываетъ работу мускулатуры матки; я думаю, какъ и говорилъ уже при первомъ моемъ докладѣ, что существенную роль играетъ раздраженіе тампонами заложеннаго во влага­ лищѣ центра, вызывающаго потужную дѣятельность

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19-го декабря 1894 года, ко мнѣ была прислана однимъ земскимъ товарищемъ больная Элеонора М—ко, съ діагнозомъ polypus uteri. АКУШЕРСТВА И ЖЕНСКИХЪ БОЛѢЗНЕЙ, органъ Акушерско-Гинекологическаго Общества въ С.-Петербургѣ. Шенно чернаго; при самомь легкомъ дотрогиваніи, тѣло это довольно сильно кровоточитъ.

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