
Anasplasmosis is a disease caused by gram-negative intracellular microorganisms. A Kintamani mix dog was examined at the Veterinary Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University with complaints; itching, tick infestation, alopecia and erythema all over the dog's body. A case study has been carried out aiming to detect the presence of Anaplasma sp. infection. in dogs infested with ticks in Denpasar City. The results of the clinical examination showed focal mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth, a weak dog, and Rhiphicephalus Sanguenus tick infestation. Routine hematological examination showed leukocytosis, hypochromic normocytic anemia, thrombocytopenia. Blood smear examination showed positive results for the discovery of Anasplasma sp. The blood test with the test kit (E.canis/Anaplasma Ab Test Kit, BioNote, Inc., Republic of Korea) showed positive results for Anasplasma sp. So the case of a dog diagnosed with Anaplasmosis. The treatment used was Doxycycline® (10 mg/kg BW PO) given twice a day for fourteen days, Ivermectin® (0.4 mg/kg BW SC) once a week with twice repetition, and Sangobion® 1/6 tablet per day given for ten days. This treatment gave good results for case dogs in terms of appetite and drinking, animal activity, animals free of ticks and routine hematology results showed no anemia and normal platelet values. To avoid re-infection, it is advisable to eradicate fleas from the environment, isolate animals during therapy, pay attention to good and healthy animal management, and maintain a tick-free environment.

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