
Eating disorders have become a national healthl problem, particularly among adolescent girls. Of particular interest with these patienils is their inability to perceive themselves accurately. While many studies have addressed body image distortion, the cognitive process involved has remained elusive. Rather than study this individual process with a group comparisont ietehodology, Brunswik's lens model was employed. Patienits' individual cognitive models were explored prior to aggregating the data on a group level. Impor tant differ enices emerged between anorexic, bulimic, obese, anrd normal female's utilizatioin of available perceptual cues concerning self and other body sizes. All of the participants in the study demonstrated conzsistenti linear models for use of perceptual cue information. Group differenices emerged in relative emphasis placed on each cue. This luse of Brunswik's lens model represents a uniquie applicationi of the methodology that should prove inivalitable for-future studies of self-per-ceptioni in a wide variety of domains.

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