
Extract Although examples drive this book, we first provide a whirlwind survey of the general concepts of operator theory. We do not expect the student to master these topics now since they are covered in future chapters. A Hilbert space H is a complex vector space endowed with an inner product ⟨x,y⟩ that defines a norm ‖x‖=⟨x,x⟩ with respect to which H is (Cauchy) complete. The inner product on a Hilbert space satisfies the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality |⟨x,y⟩|⩽‖x‖‖y‖ for all x,y∈H⁠. Examples of Hilbert spaces include Cn (complex Euclidean space), ℓ2 (the space of square-summable complex sequences), and L2[0,1] (the Lebesgue space of square-integrable, complex-valued functions on [0,1]⁠). Vectors x,y in a Hilbert space H are orthogonal if ⟨x,y⟩=0⁠. The dimension of a Hilbert space H is the cardinality of a maximal set of nonzero orthogonal vectors. This book is almost exclusively concerned with Hilbert spaces of countable dimension. Every such Hilbert space has an orthonormal basis (un)n=1∞⁠, a (possibly finite) maximal orthogonal set such that ⟨um,un⟩=δmn for all m,n⩾1⁠. With respect to an orthonormal basis (un)n=1∞⁠, each x∈H enjoys a generalized Fourier expansion x=∑n=1∞⟨x,un⟩un that satisfies Parseval’s identity ‖x‖2=∑n=1∞|⟨x,un⟩|2. A subspace (a norm-closed linear submanifold) of H is itself a Hilbert space with the operations inherited from H⁠. If (wn)n=1∞ is a (possibly finite) orthonormal basis for a subspace M of H and x∈H⁠, then PMx=∑n=1∞⟨x,wn⟩wn belongs to M and satisfies ‖x−PMx‖⩽‖x−y‖ for every y∈M⁠. In short, PMx is the unique closest vector to x in M⁠. Furthermore, PM defines a linear transformation on H whose range is M⁠. It is called the orthogonal projection of H onto M and it satisfies PM2=PM and ⟨PMx,y⟩=⟨x,PMy⟩ for all x,y∈H⁠. Let H and K be Hilbert spaces. A linear transformation A:H→K is bounded if ‖A‖=sup{‖Ax‖K:‖x‖H=1} is finite. Let B(H,K) denote the set of bounded linear operators from H to K⁠. We write B(H) for B(H,H)⁠. The quantity ‖A‖ is the norm of A. Since B(H) is closed under addition and scalar multiplication, it is a vector space. Furthermore, since ‖A+B‖⩽‖A‖+‖B‖ and ‖cA‖=|c|‖A‖ for all A,B∈B(H) and c∈C⁠, it follows that B(H) is a normed vector space. Endowed with this norm, B(H) is complete and thus forms a Banach space. Moreover, the composition AB belongs to B(H) and ‖AB‖⩽‖A‖‖B‖ for all A,B∈B(H)⁠. Therefore, B(H) is a Banach algebra. For each A∈B(H,K)⁠, there is a unique A*∈B(K,H) such that ⟨Ax,y⟩K=⟨x,A*y⟩H for all x∈H and y∈K⁠. The operator A* is the adjoint of A; it is the analogue of the conjugate transpose of a matrix. One can show that A↦A* is conjugate linear, that A**=A⁠, ‖A‖=‖A*‖⁠, and ‖A*A‖=‖A‖2⁠. This additional structure upgrades B(H) from a Banach algebra to a C*-algebra. One can exploit adjoints to obtain information about the kernel and range of an operator. For most of the operators A∈B(H) covered in this book, we give the matrix representation [A]=[⟨Auj,ui⟩]i,j=1∞ with respect to an orthonormal basis (un)n=1∞ for H⁠. This matrix representation [A] defines a bounded operator x↦[A]x on the Hilbert space ℓ2 of square summable sequences that is structurally identical to A. Schur’s theorem helps us determine which infinite matrices define bounded operators on ℓ2⁠. Many of the operators covered in this book, such as the Cesàro operator, the Volterra operator, weighted shifts, Toeplitz operators, and Hankel operators, have fascinating structured-matrix representations. An important class of operators is the compact operators. These are the A∈B(H) such that (Axn)n=1∞ has a convergent subsequence whenever (xn)n=1∞ is a bounded sequence in H⁠. Equivalently, an operator is compact if it takes each bounded set to one whose closure is compact. Each finite-rank operator is compact and every compact operator is the norm limit of finite-rank operators. The compact operators form a norm-closed, *-closed ideal within B(H)⁠. Some operators have a particularly close relationship with their adjoint. For example, the operator M on L2[0,1] defined by (Mf)(x)=xf(x) satisfies M*=M⁠. Such operators are selfadjoint. If µ is a positive finite compactly supported Borel measure on C⁠, then the operator N on L2(μ) defined by (Nf)(z)=zf(z) satisfies (N*f)(z)=z―f(z)⁠, and thus N*N=NN*⁠. Such operators are normal. The operator (Uf)(eiθ)=eiθf(eiθ) on L2(T) satisfies U*U=UU*=I⁠. Such operators are unitary. Unitary operators preserve the ambient structure of Hilbert spaces and can serve as a vehicle to relate A∈B(H) with B∈B(K)⁠. We say that A is unitarily equivalent to B if there is a unitary U∈B(H,K) such that UAU*=B⁠. Unitary equivalence is often used to identify seemingly complicated operators with relatively simple ones.

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