
This research paper investigate about the Autobiographical Art Practices in Indian Paintings. The study was undertaken with the purpose of exploring the concept of autobiography, its societal implications, and fostering an understanding of our own identity and humanity by delving into the lives of others from different times and locations. The main objective was to shed light on the nature of self-awareness and our interconnectedness with the human experience. Further, it discussed individuality, which encompasses our perceptions of our personality traits, physical attributes, skills, values, and duties as well as the understanding that we exist as unique beings. And has also shown that practice of autobiographical art can be found in a variety of Indian paintings, which are about protagonist’s journey to share their experiences with the world.Moreover, the subjectivity of arts leads to autobiographical art practices, as subjectivity in Indian art arises from the artist’s personal experience, belief, and values. The autobiography is used to express the artist’s individual perspective on life, culture, and the world around them. Indian artists have continued to explore their subjectivity through their art, often using it to explore themes of identity, politics, and social issues.Further, autobiographical art in India can also be seen as a way for artists to explore their own personal struggles and triumphs, and to share their stories with the world. Furthermore, it also explored the complexities of the Indian diaspora, and to create a dialogue between the artist and a viewer and to create space for dialogue and understanding.

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