
India’s plantation sector embedded to export market orientation in its colonial past has undergone important structural changes during the past four decades with crop-specific variations. The trade policy reforms pursued in the country since the early 1990’s have altered the prevailing equations with important implications on the sustenance of the sector. The burden of market price instabilities has been essentially borne by the production sector. The outcomes of the prescribed survival strategies and ad hoc responses of the planting community underline the missing links in the policy framework. The two critical issues of the plantation sector posing serious RD and (II) deceleration or even negative growth rates in productivity with crop-specific variations. The futility of singularly focusing on the mantra of cost competitiveness without addressing the prevailing infirmities in the marketing system has been evident from the stalemate. A realistic approach to a comprehensive policy package shall consider the reconstruction of official databases, optimisation of crop harvesting expenses, promotion of producers ‘consortiums and revising the norms for duty free imports.

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