
In response to problems in the centralized storage of personal resumes on third-party recruitment platforms, such as inadequate privacy protection, inability of individuals to accurately authorize downloads, and inability to determine who downloaded the resume and when, this study proposes a blockchain-based framework for secure storage and sharing of resumes. Users can employ an authorized access mechanism to protect their privacy rights. The proposed framework uses smart contracts, interplanetary file system, symmetric encryption, and digital signatures to protect, verify, and share resumes. Encryption keys are split and stored in multiple depositories through secret-sharing technology to improve the security of these keys. Corresponding key escrow incentives are implemented using smart contracts to automatically verify the correctness of keys and encourage the active participation of honest key escrow parties. This framework combines blockchain and searchable symmetric encryption technology to realize multi-keyword search using inverted indexing and Bloom filters and verify search results on the chain. Escrow search service fees are charged through contracts. Only after the search results are verified can the search service provider obtain the search fee, thus ensuring fair and efficient search for encrypted resumes. The framework is decentralized, secure, and tamper-evident, and achieves controlled sharing while protecting personal privacy and information security.

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