The progressive chemicalization of all areas of everyday life and the development of the industry cause the appearance of various types of pollutants, both in groundwater and surface waters. Kalina Pond (Świętochłowice, Poland) is an example of a degraded water reservoir as a result of many years of activity, among others hard coal mines, storing metallurgical waste by zinc plants, and the activities of the Hajduki Chemical Plants from Chorzów. Inadequate securing of waste heaps resulted in the penetration of pollutants, i.e., phenol, petroleum compounds, PAHs, cyanides, and heavy metals. The aim of the research was to determine the suitability of biopreparations for the removal of pollutants. The research used a bacterial biopreparation from BioArcus, “DBC plus type R5”, to remove petroleum compounds and phenol. Then, in order to restore the microbiological balance, “ACS ODO-1” from the biopreparation was used. The research was carried out in laboratory conditions, using three variants: direct dosing of biopreparations, dosing of biopreparations previously activated by multiplication on the medium, and dosing of biopreparations into water after filtration on a diatomite bed. The optimal method of recultivating water from a reservoir was to filter this water through a diatomite bed and then dose the multiplied bacteria. After the filtration process, the obtained percentage of TOC reduction allowed for the rapid development of microorganisms from the biopreparation, despite the 100 times lower dose used. In addition, the application of lyophilized biopreparation to contaminated water resulted in a very fast biodegradation effect of pollutants, despite the high concentration of numerous toxic compounds.
Water is a crucial resource for the ecosystem and human existence that determines life on Earth
Since a decrease in Total Organic Carbon (TOC) values was observed in the analyzed samples
After the addition of biopreparation “ACS ODO-1”, an increase in TOC values was observed for another 5 days
Water is a crucial resource for the ecosystem and human existence that determines life on Earth. The problem of surface and groundwater pollution affects both poorly and highly developed countries. This is mainly due to the progressive chemicalization of all areas of everyday life and the widely developed industry. This results in the appearance of various types of contaminants, often unidentified, and causing risks that are not fully known. For this reason, maintaining a good condition of water resources should be one of the most important objectives of human economic activity. In the event of inadequate or insufficient insolation of the mass of stored waste, various organic and inorganic pollutants may penetrate into the water–
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