
A 4π liquid scintillation “whole body” counter, consisting of two 2π detector tanks was employed to study the feasibility of using coincidence techniques to efficiently count positron emitters in large samples. The background response for the coincidence mode was first studied. A significant portion of the background was observed to result from pulses in coincidence in both detector tanks. The possibility of background suppression by anticoincidence counting techniques was investigated but found not to be a useful method of improving counting statistics for counting ordinary gamma emitters. However, in the case of samples containing positron emitters, such as 22Na and 58Co, background could be greatly suppressed and counting statistics significantly improved, by the use of coincidence counting techniques. The method not only reduced the background, but also discriminated against monogamma emitters such as 137Cs and 40K. Thus, the method lends itself to measurement of positron emitters in humans where 137Cs and 40K are present as an interferring “background”.

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